Lion Photorealistic 3d Blender 4K model 3D model
This is a Photorealistic Detailed 3d Lion, with fur made for blender with 4K textures. made in Blender with hair particles. This model includes a .fbx and a .obj file as well.
This model has a clean geometry based on loops and only quads. The lion was rendered using blender eevee but is also compatible with blender cycles.
The model is UV mapped properly. and contains 4k textures (UDIM).
Body, eyes, teeth, and claws are separated . 4K super High resolution detailed textures
The renders were made on a i7 laptop with 16gb of ram. The model has a custom rig and is ready for animation.
About the .blend file :
Every texture is packed inside the .blend file.
Rig created using Rigify (no facial rig). Render was made using 2 lights and no hdri.
Fur and hair [articles were made using blender built in particle system. (the obj and fbx file doesn’t include hair particles, or rig. Hair particles and rig are only available in the .blend version of the file)
blender lion file